Your personally identifiable information is used for our internal business purposes only. FeelLikeBeauty may collect personal and non-personally identifiable information about you when you register with FeelLikeBeauty or place an order on
Your personally identifiable information is used for our internal business purposes only FeelLikeBeauty does not sell, rent or lease your personal information to independent third parties. We use personally identifiable information to identify account holders, open and maintain accounts, process, service and enforce transactions, send related communications to customers and to provide customer services and support. Credit card numbers are used only for processing payments and are not used for other purposes. We may also use personally identifiable information to provide you with optional product or service updates, promotional notices and offers and other information about FeelLikeBeauty and its products.
Here are some examples of how you may provide personal information to us:
(a) Sending us e-mails and text messages.
(b) Interacting with us on social media platforms.
(c) Adding offers, promotions or products to your basket on our website or your Wish List.
(d) Registering accounts on our website.
At any time, you can withdraw your consent to the collection, use or disclosure, or otherwise processing of your personal information by sending an email to
Our authorised secure server, Trusted Secure, uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.